Did you hear the news? We’ve partnered with Jackson Public Schools (JPS) to help empower educators and inspire students to engage with their world through customized classroom resources and professional development programming.
Tune in to the exciting new video series “How Things Work” from National Geographic Kids! The show features YouTube star Kamri Noel, who gets some of the world’s most knowledgeable experts from Nat Geo to explain it in their own words.
Learn how Laura Krenicki‘s sixth-grade class examined the paths of people and objects using Explorer magazine, a video conference with National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek, and their own museum exhibits.
Q: Thanks in part to its position as a global trading post, what small country at the tip of the Malay peninsula is one of the most religiously diverse in the world?
Check out the answer below. Want more questions like this? GeoBee questions, games, and resources are available in our Study Corner.
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